Apple sprzedaje więcej iPodów niż Maków. NYT pisze o tym ciekawe conieco.
Okazuje się, że Jobs ma w nosie myślenie strategiczne: „People who know Mr. Jobs well say he disdains strategic thinking as it is practiced by large corporations. Several people who have worked with him describe his business approach as „instinctual.”
Old media blogują
Wg CJR The Media Go Blogging. Tradycyjne media coraz częściej tworzą własne blogi.
Oczywiście Guardian, który poszedł na całość. Trudno przecenić jego przewodnik po Weblogach
Wall Street Journal ma bloga z ciekawymi linkami
Użytkownicy mogą czytać bloga sportowego.
To może być kontrowersyjny przykład: Reason
Trochę ewangelizacji na ten temat podsuwa Editor & Publisher.
Nie mogę się oprzeć, fragment:
Mitch Ratcliffe: [..] they can provide the other half of the story that doesn’t appear in the news story: Notes about interviews, reflections, and raw material that allow the reader to think along with the writer. It’s also where debates about the story can take place, in the comments section of the blog.
News is becoming a dialogue, not a one-way announcement. [..] It could also facilitate a mob mentality in which one idea overwhelms opinions held by minorities. Journalism won’t simply experience an impact from the rise of blogging tools, publishers and editors will face choices about what place blogs will have in journalistic endeavors.
NYT i Guardian o blogach
NYT: Many Started Web Logs for Fun, but Bloggers Need Money, Too. Uwaga, trzeba się zarejestrować.
Guardian Blog all about it. Cycacik: „Weblogs have revolutionised the media. But are they more than just vanity publishing?…”
Salam Pax:”A tip on how to make your blog popular: position yourself in a place where a bomb might fall on you. Tickles everybody and makes your hits-counter happy. Possibility of death is a downside, but hey! You get linked by A-list bloggers.”